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Innovative Cool Japanese Products no one has ever created

Wildfire Blocker

Liquid that prevents wildfires from spreading to protect your precious family's life and home

         Cutting Edge Liquid that prevents wildfires from spreading to protect your precious family's life and home
                   Wildfire Blocker   

Active oxygen waste decomposer 

Decompose solid waste by heating active oxygen at low temperature without fire

        Cutting Edge WEF RA-X Automated composting system to solving the problem of separating food scraps!

Magnetic waste decomposer

Magnetic decomposer for organic waste such as plastic waste, medical waste and wood waste 

         Super Waste Processor Organic waste decomposer
              Super Waste Processor   

Melt King 

Infectious medical waste,diapers sterilizing volume reducing dring machine

        Daiso Melt King DNX Melt King MD
                        Melt King

Cyclone dryer for waste, sludge

Okadora Cyclone dryer for food waste, fishery waste and sludge 

         Cutting edge Okadora Cyclone dryer for food waste, fishery waste and sludge
                   Cyclone Dryer   

Plantec Vertical waste combustorW 

Plantec Vertical waste combustor

        Cutting Edge Plantec Vertical waste combustor
    Plantec Vertical waste combustor 

Edible ink flatbed printer 

NEW High-Productivity compact edible ink food printer

         Cutting edge edible ink food printer Master Mind MMP-F13

Edible ink sheet printer

NEW Photo film sheet printer on cakes

        Cuttngedge edible ink sheet printer

ID card check and detect fake card

Verifying ID IC chip information and detct the fake card, It also manageng the data 

         EXC-2700 ID card check and detector

Passport check and management system

World's Passport IC chip information verifying and data base CSV management system

      Cutting Edge PassPro Passport reader and scanner CSV management system
Pass Pro passport managementsystem

Counterfeit money detector

Matsumura counterfeit money detector for US$, Euro, Chinese Yuan and any currencies

Cutting edge counterfeit money detector
   EXC-6700 multiple currency Detector

Compact banknote counter  

N-120A is a Japanese-made banknote counting machine that can count even very old banknotes

       Cutting Edge Billcon compact heavy duty note counter N-120A
Compact heavy duty banknote counter N-120A